How to survive Parties and Social Gatherings - Guide for introverts

Saturday, January 11, 2020
Christmas gatherings are fun! But let’s face it, for those of us who are introverts. This guide on how to survive a party or social gatherings as an introvert may help you if you're anything like me or my sister - introverts. Parties can be fun as a teenager or even as a young adult but when you get older, they can be a nightmare! Even as a young adult, I didn't enjoy parties. Why? You may ask, is because they simply do zap the living energy out of us introverts. In particular if there are more than 3 consecutive social gatherings, say Christmas time.

Christmas gatherings are fun! But let’s face it, for those of us who are introverts. This guide on how to survive a party or social gatherings as an introvert may help you if you're anything like me or my sister - introverts. Pick up your free journal page download inside!

Many ways to enjoy a party

There are many ways to simply enjoy a party if you're an introvert. My sister and I aren't complete introverts on the scale of introvertedness - is that a word? But we are considered fairly introverted compared to those amongst us. Maybe because we are in an ethnic family. Which doesn't really make things any easier. Our ethnicity just means that we'll be subject to many social gatherings whether we would like them to not. The fact that we married into our own ethnicity also just exasperates the issue haha. 

I find the best way to enjoy a party and not go into complete hibernation mode is to follow a simple guide below.

1. Find someone that can keep you in check. That can simply mean that if you need someone to check in on your throughout the night to make sure that you're not 'losing the plot' or about to 'scream' - that can be anyone from a sister, brother, friend, husband or wife. This can definitely help. Because, there's nothing like being in a crowded party and feeling like every fiber in your being wants to jump out of a window just so you don't have to talk or respond to one more question from another person. 

2. Find a spot you can go to take in a few minutes to yourself. This can be anywhere from the ladies to the outside porch (where no-one can potentially hang at a typical party). Be careful you don't choose a spot where people are leaving the party to go to as well - made that mistake once. Never again! I do find that the ladies is probably the best place to catch a breather. 

3. Remember that the party will end or you will leave at any stage before that lol. This is something I can potentially be unaware of myself, I tend to panic for some reason when i clearly know that it'll end at some point. But sometimes, if it goes on too long, I find that it tends to zap my energy too much right after. 

4. Try not to overthink everything. This goes to say about hosting parties too, we tend to overthink things a lot more if we're not used to doing them. This can lead to more anxiety - so try not to do this if you can and give yourself a reality check!

I hope this tips helped you even a little. Feel free to share and let us know how you deal with parties as an introvert below. ;)

Christmas gatherings are fun! But let’s face it, for those of us who are introverts. This guide on how to survive a party or social gatherings as an introvert may help you if you're anything like me or my sister - introverts. Pick up your free journal page download inside!

Christmas gatherings are fun! But let’s face it, for those of us who are introverts. This guide on how to survive a party or social gatherings as an introvert may help you if you're anything like me or my sister - introverts. Pick up your free journal page download inside!

Pick up this fun DIY planner journal page you can use everyday to help bring you more happiness and balance. 

Christmas gatherings are fun! But let’s face it, for those of us who are introverts. This guide on how to survive a party or social gatherings as an introvert may help you if you're anything like me or my sister - introverts. Pick up your free journal page download inside!
