Simple 2 Minute Ways to Motivate Kids to Love Reading

Monday, January 13, 2020
Ever wondered how you can motivate your kids to love reading? There are simple ways you can do this (without spending hours each day picking out books and reading to them). I’m all about saving time and money. This is probably because I’m a teacher haha, but apparently my sister is exactly the same and she’s an interior designer. So maybe it’s just that we’re the ‘time poor’ generation.

Ever wondered how you can motivate your kids to love reading? There are simple ways you can do this (without spending hours each day picking out books and reading to them). Click to see some ideas you can use everyday

This generation of kids definitely need more opportunities to develop their language and literacy skills, not only are they sticking their heads on screens a lot more than we did, but their form of communicating with each other is also via texts.

I don’t recall ever having that as a child. I am a true believer in balance. We don’t need to ban them from using iPads and mobile phones, but we definitely need to give them more opportunities to love and engage with other forms of media.

How can we motivate kids to love reading?

Reading doesn’t only refer to books, although that’s the preference but it doesn’t need to be. Although, when I taught in the classroom, I made sure my students had independent reading time along with group and guided reading time. These are of course allocated slots. 

Method 1: Discuss a book‘s cover 

At home though, you can do the same. I homeschool preschool and most days when I do, I start the day by discussing a book cover, talking about the illustrations. 

Discussing ideas on what the book might be about. It can be a book they’ve already read, or a new book. You can also show your kids some magazine covers. Things they haven’t seen before. This activity will only take you 5-10 minutes tops everyday. 

Method 2: Use everyday chores as a way to involve your child

This way it simply means that if you’re following a recipe, you’ll also involve your child in it. Show them the picture in the book and tell them this is what you’ll be making. Ask them what they think you’ll be using, what ingredients etc. you’d be surprised how much they’ll love this and want to get involved. 

Method 3: If possible, show the kids the book in cartoon or animation

This is a great way to motivate kids to want to read. Show them the characters on video. They will identify with them a lot more then naturally be curious about the characters.

Here's a cute reading of the Bad Seed online on Youtube. Kids will love listening to this and therefore connecting with the characters.

Ever wondered how you can motivate your kids to love reading? There are simple ways you can do this (without spending hours each day picking out books and reading to them). Click to see some ideas you can use everyday